Storage Tips
Renting a storage unit can be a lifesaver, whether you’re moving, downsizing, or simply need extra space. With proper storage tips for planning and organization, you can transform your storage unit from a chaotic pile of boxes into an efficient and accessible space. These storage tips will provide you with valuable insights on packing, organizing, and maintaining your unit, ensuring your belongings remain safe and secure throughout their stay.
View our Storage Units page for more details on availability, size and pricing.

Choosing The Right Size Storage Unit For Your Needs
TIP #1
Put those items you’ll need most often at the front of the unit.
TIP #2
When packing your storage unit, create a center aisle for access to all items.
TIP #3
Do not place boxes directly on concrete floors or against the walls. Instead, use pallets or skids to allow air flow under and around items. Do not allow materials that would wick moisture (cardboard, fabric, etc) to come into direct contact with the concrete floor.
TIP #4
When storing tables and other furniture, you should remove the legs. You should also store tabletops and sofas on end, to help save space.
TIP #5
Old photographs often curl over time. To keep them flat, place the photos between two pieces of cardboard and tape them together.
TIP #6
Drain gasoline and oil from items with small engines (like lawn mowers).
TIP #7
Common sense and state law determine what should be stored. Since you alone control access to your storage space, never store firearms, toxic materials, illicit drugs or drug paraphernalia, live animals, perishables, explosives, liquids, flammable liquids and fuels, or other items that require a controlled environment.
TIP #8
Use bins or trash cans to store shovels, hoes and rakes.
TIP #9
Cover mattresses and store them flat on level surfaces.
TIP #10
Be sure to use protective covers and treat wood surfaces before storing.
TIP #11
To retard rust when storing metal items, wipe all metal surfaces with a towel containing a few drops of machine oil.
TIP #12
Pack blankets, draperies, and dress clothes on hangers in a wardrobe box.
TIP #13
Use good locks on your unit. Locks are available for sale on site, so just ask your site manager for a recommendation.
TIP #14
For humidity sensitive items, use climate control.
TIP #15
Whenever you can, place dressers and table’s top-to-top to save space.
TIP #16
Insure your stored items. Whether you are storing business or personal belongings, it’s important to insure them since items in self-storage aren’t generally covered by other policies (including homeowner or rental insurance).
Also, fill containers to capacity. Partially full or bulging cartons can tip or collapse.
TIP #17
To deter many insects and household pests, add bay leaves to boxes.
TIP #18
When checking out different storage companies, be sure to review their policies and services. What are their service hours? Do they offer insurance for stored items? How will you pay and how do they bill? What types of security do they offer for items in storage? All of these are important features and, in general, the more reputable a business is the more services they offer.
TIP #19
Once you have decided on the company you want to use, review their contract carefully! You are purchasing a service, so you should make sure that your best interests and belongings will be secure. Once you have signed the contract, make sure you have your information, keys, and the codes you need to get into your unit.
TIP #20
When you are getting ready to empty your unit and move out, be sure to let your rental company know. You will want to make sure that all of your paperwork is in order.